Monday, July 19, 2010


Today the sky was shining brightly. As usual, to the office five minutes before 8 o'clock is a great time to enjoy the morning sun in the morning air at the same time that remains.
Office is still quiet. Yes, perhaps this will run for the days ahead and beyond. I think it's time for a change that significantly. That is not just about ambience but how the condition which was built to be more excited for everyone.
Quite magnificent building with a room large enough should make people more excited here. I remembered a movie that I watched last night, September Issue with Anna Wintour. I never thought that VOUGE, which was so magnificent that its name has a work space looks so small and narrow. But the film is clearly visible how the space is maximized in such a way that is optimal. There are no special insulation that reflects all things are open. This becomes very important I think for a beginning of change.

Are you ready with it? Hopefully I am also ready.

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